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Our Vision: Elmhurst Teaching School Alliance (ETSA) exists to support professional collaboration between local schools, leading to enriching experiences for our pupils and more effective teaching and learning. 

This will happen through high quality teacher training and CPD, teacher collaboration and the provision of cross-school pupil learning programmes.

Our Alliance partners are based primarily in the London Borough of Newham, though our membership extends out across East London and beyond. Our partner schools work with pupils from EYFS up to Year 13, and we have a wide and diverse base of expertise and excellence spread across our large and growing alliance.

Our Teaching School is Elmhurst Primary School in Forest Gate, which is also a National Maths Hub. Drawing on the expertise of our many partner schools and organisations, our Alliance is able to offer a diverse range of high-quality CPD for teachers and school leaders, as well as a successful School Direct programme for Initial Teacher Education.

We have a large portfolio of Specialist Leaders in Education and National Leaders in Education whose expertise can afford unparalleled opportunities for school-to-school support. In collaboration with the Maths Hub, we offer an array of Research and Development projects, including Lesson Study, work groups and action research.



Tweets by @ElmhurstTSA
Elmhurst Primary School is also the home of The London North East Maths Hub. iphone上如何使用谷歌

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